Trick or Treating & Coffin Races Come to Downtown Napa

Trick or Treating & Coffin Races come to Downtown Napa

By Craig Smith

Trick or Treating in downtown Napa started eight years ago when a couple of merchants were talking about how the practice has changed from when they were kids.  “Back in the day,” one said, “No one worried when kids went door-to-door at night. Now, a safe place to trick or treat is a good idea.”  One of them suggested that kids be invited to come downtown, during the day, and everyone loved the idea.  (Plus, it gives merchants a great excuse to see all the kids in costumes!)  Now in its eighth year, trick or treating downtown has become a well-received tradition.

This year, a new tradition begins. The Napa City Firefighters Association is hosting the first annual Coffin Races.   Think part go-cart, part bath tub races – this one will be fun. Different groups will bring their entries, all ghoul and/or goblin powered, in an attempt to be the fastest alive (or, dead…)

Umpqua Bank gets the credit for the trick or treating portion of the day, as they have since that started.  Every year, staff members from their stores build displays that work as backdrops for photos.   One includes the cast from the Wizard of Oz, another, the crew from Flintstones, and a third, the characters in Nightmare Before Christmas.  While many of the pictures end up on Facebook, some of the photos of kids posed with the characters become those families’ Christmas cards.
Businesses with black and orange balloons displayed at their door are inviting children to come in and trick or treat.  It gives everyone involved, the children and their parents as well as the merchants, the chance to enjoy the day.  Trick or treating is from Noon to 3 PM on Saturday, Oct. 27th.

There is no charge to participate, and the activity is open to the public. A list of participating stores will be posted on  The Coffin Races will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Beer, wine and soft drinks will be available.

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